Jean Gilles (1668-1705), Lamentations
André Campra (1660-1744), Requiem
Maîtrise Notre-Dame de Paris, Adult Choir and Young Ensemble
(Henri Chalet et Emilie Fleury, conductors)
Pupil ensemble from the Ancient Music Departement of the Conservatoire de Paris
Sébastien Daucé, direction
The distress cry of Jean Gilles' Lamentations will be answered by the hope of eternal light celebrated by André Campra's Requiem, which seduces with its surprisingly bright colors and contrasting atmospheres: two masterpieces to welcome the prestigious ensembles of Musique Sacrée à Notre-Dame, and musicians of the young generation with the Young Ensemble and the instrumentalists of the Department of Ancient Music of the Paris Conservatory.